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Rule 6. Learn how to trust...IN YOURSELF!

Trust. A word that can literally be the be all and end all of all friendships, relationships and all other ships lol! We all know what they say as well, trust is something that can take years to earn yet seconds to break. Which is very true. We put such a large value on the word trust in relationships that it is now pretty much priceless.

I am literally one of those people out there that say "nah, I don't have ANY trust issues" blah blah blah. Little did I know that I actually have one of the biggest trust issues of all time. TRUST IN MYSELF. I never have really put much thought into trusting in myself. I know when we are younger we are told "Believe in yourself, believe that you can do it", but the word "believe" honestly never really sunk in, until I learnt what "trust" actually meant when you relate it to yourself.

The Oxford dictionary states that the word believe means "to accept as true or as speaking or conveying the truth".

It also defines the word trust as a "firm belief in the reliability, truth or strength etc. of a person or thing". For me I think the word trust really resonates more in me now that I am older because of the value the word actually holds. To be able to have a firm belief in the reliability, truth or strength in yourself to me means a little more than simply accepting something as true.

If you are like me, it is often hard sometimes to feel that you are making the right decisions and therefore pull from making decisions all together in fear that you will just make the wrong one. But how do you know it will be the wrong one if you don't even try to make the decision in the first place? If everyone lived their whole life in fear of making the wrong decision, we wouldn't really be here today, lets be honest haha! I have learnt that you must take control of your own life and really trust in yourself as if you would put trust in someone else. Putting trust in yourself first is more important because just like love, if you can't trust yourself, how is anyone else supposed to trust in you? How will someone be able to trust what you say and do, if you don't really trust in what you say and do?

Basically what I am trying to say is, you really not only have to believe in yourself but more importantly trust that everything you do and every decision you make, is at that point in time the right decision no matter what. You knew in your heart that at that very moment you made that decision, it was the right thing to do. Live your life without any regrets and to do that you simply just need to trust in you first!


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